Company Leadership
Traven Pelletier
Owner / Creative Director / Designer / Sales
Ellen Moore
General Manager
Raell Aitchison
Green Street Office Manager
Shannon Agar
Finance & HR Director
2023 Team Mascot
Design & Sales Team
Nicole Lloyd
Certified Landscape Designer - Lead Designer & Salesperson
Lauren Yelen
Master of Landscape Architecture - Designer and Salesperson
Holly Preston
Maintenance & Garden Enhancements Sales
Kane Kunz
Certified Arborist - Tree Removal and Tree Care Sales
Stacey Rayer
Mark Willoughby
Master Arborist and Tree Care Sales
Production Team
Ben Duff
Project Manager - Hardscape and Design Build
Steve Ward
Senior Hardscape Installer - Team Lead & Equipment Manager
Chris Rice
Hardscape Installer - Team Lead
Mario Patterson
Hardscape Installer - Team Lead
John Monroe
Project Manager - Wood & Horticulture
Scott Ramey
Carpentry Installer - Team Lead
Randy House
Carpentry Installer - Team Lead
Drew Laird
Certified Rain Garden Installer - Senior Horticulture Team Lead
Matt Davids
Horticulture Installer - Team Lead
Michael Lucas
Division Manager - Tree Tree Removal and Tree Care
Martin Bolanos
Tree Team Lead
Fernando Gonzalez
Tree Team Lead
Jason Rottiers
Lead in Training
Morgan Terrell
Team Lead
Peter Cherney
Team Lead
Moe Gorski
Horticulture Crew Lead

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